Sounding of the Bell to welcome the Year of the Snake
Join us to welcome the Year of the Snake by ringing the Peace Bell!
The Spring Festival is one of the most important festivals in traditional Chinese culture. It unites praying for good fortune to eliminate disasters, worshipping deities, enjoying joyous celebrations, as well as humanities and culture into a single grand festival. The ritual of sounding the bell at the commencement of a new year is to pray for good fortune, and has been a part of Buddhist traditions since ancient times.
This year is the Yi Si Year of the Snake – a year associated with transformation and wisdom. It combines the elements of wood, being attributes like creativity and growth, with the characteristics of fire, such as passion, making this year a year where people will experience both inner and outward changes, driven by cultivation of our inner virtue and spiritual growth.
We cordially invite our friends and the wider community to join us in the ritual of sounding the bell to welcome the Year of the Snake at the site of the proposed Tasmanian Chinese Cultural Park of Australia.
Date: Sat 1 Feb. 2025
Time: 10am -1pm
Location: Proposed TAS Chinese Cultural Park of Australia, 1384 Tea Tree Road, Campania, Australia

加入我们,通过敲响和平钟迎接 蛇年 的到来!
2025 年是 乙巳蛇年,象征着 变革与智慧。这一年融合了木的创造与成长的属性,以及火的热情特质,使得蛇年成为一个内外兼修、修养德行与精神成长的年份。
我们诚挚邀请朋友们及广大社区,共同参与在 拟建的塔斯马尼亚澳华文化公园 举行的敲钟迎新仪式,为新的一年祈求福祉与祥和。
日期: 2025年2月1日(星期六)
时间: 上午10点至下午1点
地点: Proposed TAS Chinese Cultural Park of Australia, 1384 Tea Tree Road, Campania, Australia